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Just Breathe - Coming Soon!

Saturday, September 20th, 2025
11am-5pm, PST
IN PERSON in Berkeley, CA


"All of me was welcome here. My queerness, my Chineseness, my assimilated-ness. I got to feel myself, I got to hear myself, I got to FEEL myself. My soul got to express, for the first time in my life, its full expression through my body. "

- Linda Fraimow-Wong

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"Heart Pathways was extremely restorative in my relationship with consent and touch. I have craved a space to practice and learn from teachers who move with spirit and embodied practice that honors who they are. For me Movement Liberation feels strikingly different from other spaces in the way that there is the intentional integration of ritual and ceremony. To me this speaks to the way teachers hold this space. A sacred space.

- Rene Benavides, Designer, Facilitator, and Somatic Coach

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"Oh my goddess! Thank you Valerie Chafograck for yesterday's workshop Begin Again. It was a truly healing and embodied spiritual experience. I had no idea I could drop into my body like that. It’s so true your teaching and playlist artistry are liberatory. I look forward to joining you again and again πŸ’— "

- Kristin Ming


"All of me was welcome here. My queerness, my Chineseness, my assimilated-ness. I got to feel myself, I got to hear myself, I got to FEEL myself. My soul got to express, for the first time in my life, its full expression through my body. "

- Linda Fraimow-Wong

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"Valerie is one of the few that connects oppression to patterns of movement in our bodies. She offers up new pathways for understanding and tending to trauma in our body, and the group field. I felt as a group we found a deep embodied feeling of safety, a connection with our own resilience, and a joy that we are in this together, and we can do it."

- Adithya Raghunatan, Executive & Culture Coach


"Valerie and Dominique facilitated the container with exceptional skills, integrity and love. I felt safe. I could be absolutely present and in the flow of discovery through movement. I felt seen and encouraged. I felt empowered!"

- Nijlan, Black Mixed Queer Woman

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I felt safe and was able to release my trauma and feel all ranges of emotions and sensations. Because this was a BIPOC space, I never felt nervous about who my partner is going to be, what kind of shields I may need to put up. All the love and validation being sent my way and mirrored back to me, buoyed me when I returned to the traditional world. "

- Michele Agid

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"I felt what it was like to expand my body and to take up space as opposed to my norm of contracting and shrinking, something that I have been conditioned to do in a world that does not value me. Shame drained from my body. I felt strong, worthy and free. I moved in this space where I saw my own beauty reflected back at me in the eyes of other beautifulLy brilliant brown souls. I felt seen and I was able to communicate what words simply cannot express."

- Kimberly Ann, MFT

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