In Person Classes
At this time, all In Person classes are canceled.
Please see the Announcements Page for updates on when we will resume In Person classes.
In the meantime, visit Online Classes for information on these classes on Zoom.
Before attending your first class, NEW PARTICIPANTS, please click the button below
and read and sign the Liability & Safety Guidelines Waiver required of every participant.
Soul Motion LAB
Berkeley Unitarian Church
1924 Cedar Street (At Bonita Ave)
Berkeley, CA 94709
This drop- in class takes place every Monday, in a 1700 sq. ft church with a beautiful hardwood floor.
Soul Motion® is a facilitated exploration of letting the body dance its aliveness through creative movement inquiries.
It is led by Valerie. She creates a safe space for “every body” to unfold as free, spirited beings grounded in their bodies. A diverse group of people attend; all ages, ethnicities, walks of life, beginners and experienced movers are welcome.
All of us bring our unique flavor, adding vocabulary to the dance of the other.
We come together to pray, play and move across the four landscapes of Soul Motion™: Dance Intimate (solo), Dance Communion (duet), Dance Community (with everyone) and Dance Infinite (reverence to all that lies beyond us).
We learn to listen to our body. The breath cycle becomes a messenger from within reminding us to be present and pay attention to the moment.
Irresistible and eclectic music accompany this journey of self-expression and co-creation.
Silence and stillness are also part of the blend; inviting alert awareness.
At times, room is allowed for participants to witness the beauty of each other’s dance.
There is no “right” or “wrong” way to approach this practice, no steps to follow but your own.
This practice opens the possibility for us to be changed and charged by our experiences.
You are invited to step on the dance floor, to explore with curiosity, celebrate, and be delighted.
Sliding scale $25-$45
“Valerie cares for each individual on her dance floor and creates a gentle and clear
guidance that includes everyone, all the time, with much heart!
Her guidelines, invocations and invitations have blossomed a shared consciousness of joyful consent with room for boundaries and vulnerabilities for all to be respected and held on a collective dance of Love.”